Toyo Japanese branding & website

A modern design for a traditional hibachi restaurant.

Grillades à la japonaise

News coverage

Brand Design
Web Design & Development
Content Copy & SEO
Toyo has established itself since 1981, making them the oldest teppanyaki restaurant in Montreal. It offers unique food and experience served to you in a Teppanyaki style cuisine.

During 2018, I was contracted to update their branding and website while maintaining the traditional feel.

Logo rework

We tackled the issue of an identity crisis where their website is “Toyo grill”, “Toyo steakhouse” for their Google business profile, and plain “Toyo” on their old logo.

Our research data  showed that as a business bank for more than 30 years, clients value the personal connection and relationship with CWB’s branch staff. The goal was to keep the established client experience in our digital platforms.

Toyo's catalogue mockup
Toyo's business card mockup
Toyo's new branding stationaries

Website redesign & development

The owner wanted the website to have a better Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For this purpose, I chose Vue and NuxtJs as a framework to have a Server Side Rendered (SSR) website to give the site a huge SEO boost.

One of the requirements with working on a business site in Montreal is having a French language support. I incorporated an internalization framework (il8n) with Nuxt.

Toyo's mobile site mockup
Toyo's desktop website mockup